Alpine View Care Centre
This project involved the demolition and rebuild of a 43 Bed Care Centre with a 2,600m2 floor area.
The Care Centre includes:
- Five wings of care suites
- Three lounges
- Two dining
- Commercial kitchen
- Salon
- Sunroom
- Laundry
- Administration Rooms
Kensway provided Project Management and Quantity Surveying services as well as ANZ Bank support.
Kensway guided the client through potential extension and alteration options to achieve a more functional use of the spaces for the staff and operations of care. It then become unfeasible to upgrade the existing care home due to new building code requirements for fire and smoke separations. We then went through the design process with the consultant team to come up with a fit for purpose model fitting within the site constraints.
We worked closely with residents, the client and the contractors during enabling works, demolition and build. Access was crucial for the access driveway to surrounding villas and the operational laundry building.
Our involvement as project manager and quantity surveyors for this project includes directing and consulting through concept design, tendering, construction monitoring and site management. We worked closely with the appointed civil infrastructure associate to achieve a successful Resource Consent and managed the site including environmental conditions, contractors, staging and coordination of activities.